There are many issues facing our Town. Together I believe we can tackle each one and make New Milford even better than it already is. My priorities are:
Pulling Together for Better Roads and Infrastructure
One of my main campaign promises was to address the deplorable condition of our roads! Since taking office, I made a permanent Roads Committee who are in charge of overseeing a multi-year road improvement program. I have involved the public in the decision making process and with your help have made significant headway in improving our road network.
With your assistance, we have funded and completed, in only 18 months:
- 34,917 feet of total road reconstruction
- 17,582 feet of mill and repave of roads
- 132,083 feet of chip seal on local roads
Pulling Together for New Milford Character & Charm
One of New Milford’s greatest assets is its rural character and charm. Other towns are trying to emulate us by building now what we already have. Promoting New Milford’s charm and character to friends, family, and visitors will ensure a vibrant village green, thriving businesses, and a strong local economy.
Pulling Together for Community Engagement & Civility
Your opinion matters and although we may not agree on every issue, I will respect differing opinions and viewpoints. Negativity and disrespect do nothing to move New Milford forward. Under my leadership, town government makes every effort to fully include you, the taxpayer, in our decision making process. Keeping you informed and involved is my priority.