Register to Vote You can register to vote by registering online by clicking here or by completing a Voter Registration Form and submitting it to the Registrar's at Town Hall in person or via mail. Forms are available at Town Hall or can be downloaded by clicking here:
Connecticut Voter Registration Form (English Version)
Connecticut Voter Registration Form (Spanish Version)
Voting Districts All polling locations are open on Election Day from 6:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Click here to use the Secretary of the State website to verify your voting district! Alternatively, please call the Registrar’s Office at (860) 355-6026 or the New Milford Town Clerk’s Office at (860) 355-6020 to verify your voting district.
Absentee Ballots This application for absentee ballot may be downloaded by an individual for: (1) the individual's own use; (2) the use of a member of the individual's immediate family; or (3) the use of a designee of the applicant. Any person who will distribute five (5) or more absentee ballot applications to persons other than the individual's immediate family must register with and obtain forms from the New Milford Town Clerk before distributing such forms.
For more detailed information please review the Absentee Ballot Fact Sheet.
Application for Absentee Ballot - English
Application for Absentee Ballot - Spanish
Absentee ballots are available for voters who meet one of the following criteria: active service in the Armed Forces of the United States, absence from the town during all of the hours of voting, illness, religious tenets forbid secular activity on the day of the election, primary or referendum, duties as a primary, election or referendum official at a polling place other than your own during all of the hours of voting or physical disability.
Application for Absentee Ballot - Emergency ONLY - English
Application for Absentee Ballot - Emergency ONLY - Spanish
This application is ONLY for those who apply for an absentee ballot because of unforeseen illness or physical disability occurring within 6 days before the close of the polls at an election, primary or referendum, or because they are patients in a hospital within such 6 day period.
Connecticut Voter's Bill of Rights Every registered voter in this state has the right to:
- Inspect a sample ballot before voting;
- Receive instructions concerning how to operate voting equipment. on sample voting equipment before voting;
- Cast a ballot if the voter is in line when the polls are closing;
- Ask for and receive assistance in voting including assistance in languages other than English where required by federal or state law;
- Vote free from coercion or intimidation by election officials or any other person; and
- Cast a ballot using equipment that accurately counts all votes.